Please give me a liat of important things to be aware of, thank you very much.

  1. If you want the sex worker to look a certain way or are hoping for a specific scenario, then discuss that when booking them. Otherwise have fun!

  2. Make sure you are clean! Wash your genitals and ass crack thoroughly. Communicate – ask questions if you’re unsure of anything.

  3. Throw away all learned degrading traditional notions about sex workers first.

    Read her advertisement carefully until you understand her boundaries policies and expected contributions and behavior. Bring your preferred new condom ( check the expiration date) just in case. Meet her as casual sex partner/ friend.. treat her with care and respect. Place your contribution where it is visible to her but do not discuss payment. If she shows you shower… take short shower to really clean your genital and back area even if you have taken shower at home.

    Let her lead. Remember that there is always next time and you do not have to cover every fantasies in first meeting.

  4. You can catch herpes from skin to skin contact, so even if you wear a condom you’re not protected.

  5. If you’re picking up a prostitute, ask her: are you a cop? Have her answer yes or no, then ask her if she can touch you and vice versa. The touching must be in the genital area or boobs. After that, tell her you want to take her on a date. If she says what do you want, you can tell her you want to skip to third base and have sex. It’s important to state that you want to nut, otherwise you’ll get skimped out of your money. When making the transaction, tell her you’ll trade her the money for the condom she has. Never say you’re paying. You can also say you’re donating. Once you pull over to a parking spot, roll up windows and lock your doors. This is protocol. She’s going to proceed to verifying money is real and placing the condom on your dick, and give you head. Insist you are done with a blowjob and want to skip with the smashing. Some hookers will suck the nut off of you. NEVER THROW away your CONDOM at the scene of the event. That is now a crime scene, and you do not want to leave your DNA anywhere there. If something happens to her, chances are it happened at the spot she told you to park at as this Is her go to spot. Your condom will match her DNA and yours and now you’re in a big case.

    Treat her with respect, ask her name, and make her feel comfortable. Don’t reach the back seat unless you tell her why. They are very cautious.

    I speak by experience…. And everything I said is protocol. $100 is the price but I would ask her If she Can do $80. Some will say yes.

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