I have a friend who no matter what it seems is the last to always have to send some kind of message. I just find it kind of bizarre. For example, if I respond to a message by just simply loving a response with the emoticons she will still send something back like a smiling emoji. Almost everyone else I know will just leave it at that. It’s the kind of response by using the emoticons as a reaction that’s supposed to end the conversation, yet she still will be the last one to respond. It seems like purely due to politeness so the other person is not anxiously waiting for them to respond or something yet I don’t expect a response back to it. I just find it odd and am curious of the brain behind it

  1. I’m kind of like that, although I don’t respond if someone likes my message like you described, but I am usually the one to always be the last text on purpose. I used to have really terrible social anxiety and worried myself sick about if people thought I was being nice or friendly enough and so I always figured if I was the one left on read, no one else’s feelings would be hurt except maybe mine but I could deal with it. Especially because I’ve been around people who would leave you on read specifically to hurt your feelings.
    Now I have worked to heal my social anxiety, but it’s kinda one of those habits that still lingers. So I would assume maybe she’s just worried you might think she’s rude for not responding back and she might not understand that certain things, like liking a message, is meant to signal the convo being over. I could be wrong, but that’s my perspective. 🙂

  2. She more than likely likes the control aspect of “ending the conversation” it wouldn’t keep her up at night knowing that she texted so and so back, vs letting you “end” the convo doesn’t give her that security that the convo is done and over with

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