Me (27M) and my ex gf (26F) broke up at the start of November after being with eachother for about 2 years. She initiated the break up as we were having some issues communicating that just kind of built up over time. I was devastated and caught of guard because although we were having these issues we both talked and agreed that things were going in the right direction. Since the break up we have been in very minimal contact. A couple of texts here and there initiated by me and I stupidly drunk texted here one night.

Yesterday she texted me Merry Christmas. It was a very generic text but it was the first time she initiated contact with me. She also texted my parents. I responded with a more heartfelt response and we didn’t talk for the rest of the day.

I’m just kind of confused. Was she texting just to be nice? Should I reach out this next week to see if she wants to get together? Am I reading too much into this? Her and I still deeply love eachother I feel and we have a long history (from elementary school) of liking/loving eachother. I want this to work itself out but I just don’t know how to proceed or what to think.

  1. You’re reading too much into it. Wait a week and text her a “Happy New Year” meme but don’t drive yourself crazy trying to decipher a hidden meaning in a holiday greeting.

  2. It’s really easy to hang on thinking things will get better and you’ll get back together, but she broke up with you. A generic text doesn’t mean anything. The more you have contact with her, the more confusing it will get. You need to create space and move on.

  3. She was done, mentally, in the relationship for some time. She initiated the breakup, after all.

    She’s just feeling a little guilty about you being hurt, and probably has some good memories of holidays at your parents place. That’s it. She’s not looking to get back with you. She’s alleviating any guilt she has.

    Go out with friends in new years and meet someone new.

  4. She may have sent it to everyone in her contacts. I know people who do that. Don’t overthink it.

  5. Yes, she was texting to be nice, as it seems she cares for you as a person. Do not read into it any more than that.

  6. All she said was merry Xmas and didnt respond back. She was being nice. Don’t look hard into it.

  7. Reading too much into it. She drew you back in with zero intentions to continue again. Probably feeling lonely on the holidays but not enough to truly want to be with you. Best to move on.

  8. It’s the holidays. I’m sure she was trying to be nice and wish you and your family a happy holiday. Probably has nothing more to it than just being friendly and civil during a period of good wishes and joy. My ex and I just texted happy holidays to each other with nothing else to it.

  9. You may want to consider blocking her number and then deleting it from your contacts.

    It’s possible that she was done with the relationship for quite a while but it took her some time to make the decision to break up with you. So, she thought about it a lot and decided that breaking up would be a better course of action. I don’t think she want’s to get back together.

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