I would. I would actually *PREFER* a woman older than me as that’s hot as fuck to me.

But, once again, I will not be participating in comments. If you take issue with this, I don’t care.

  1. Age within reason is not a determining factor for me; I’ve dated older and younger within 4 years on either side.

    Too old/too young is a thing, maturity levels and emotional baggage exist, so each person is different.

  2. Age doesn’t matter to me much, unless she is younger than I.
    21 is usually what I’d say is as low as I’d go. 20 is pushing it and I would really have to think if it’s a good idea.

  3. Never bothered me. My two biggest serious relationships in the past were with a woman 10 years older than me and one 9 years younger than me. Currently with a woman the same age as me.

  4. Absolutely and have many times. Its not about the age, its about maturity and physical attraction for me.

  5. My wife is 6 years older than I am. We’ve been together over 20 years. She had a stability to her that I found appealing. She had her career underway, she had a set of goals in that career, and she was good at making rational decisions. I came in like a wrecking ball. Between her rational world and my chaos, we work and our kids work.

  6. No. If a woman is older than me and single, there is most definitely something wrong with her.

    Single women at +40 are usually divorced single moms and/or emotionally damaged with anxiety, depression, etc and eating SSRI as candy.

    Or they’re ”hIgH vALue wOmEn” married to their jobs and they want to settle down right fucking now because their biological clock is about to stop ticking.

  7. Depends on how much older they are than me. If it’s less than 5 years, then it wouldn’t bother me. Any woman older than that would be a definite no.

  8. It would have to have pretty set boundaries in that there’s probably not a marriage there. But my limited experience is that older women get that and are pretty chill with it.

  9. I was 21-year-old male and seeing a 42-year-old female. She taught me so much sexually that my current wife wishes she could thank her. She took me from a boy to a man. Not only sexually but emotionally. No, it wasn’t some kink she was into. We had similar likes, were both single, and had no commitments. Best 8 months of my life. But we both agreed that we were growing apart and went our ways.

  10. Why are you guys answering seriously with how he asked the question. You’re just encouraging this kind of shitty dumbass behavior.

  11. I use to date older when I was 18-19. Those 25-35 ladies were hot to me. But now at 28 I like 18-20 year Olds. All my flings are around that age.

  12. Not too much older; maybe 21 or 22 at the latest. I’m 18 and just getting started out in the world for one. I feel like a grown ass person going after me would be indicative of some degree of emotional immaturity. There’s the issue of baggage that accumulates with age that I don’t want or need to be dealing with. I’ll pass on the whole step daddy thing, ideally forever but if not then I’d like to not get roped into that shit for many, many years to come. If she was *way* older the issue of fertility would pop up, and I’d like to have children in a few years. And while I have found women much older than me attractive, I generally prefer not to stray far from my own age in that regard as well.

  13. Yes that last few I’ve dated and the one I’m with now are older. There’s not a ton of differences but the added life experience is helpful and maturity is attractive.

  14. By older you mean significantly? My wife is actually couple of years older than me.

    Just date – sure whatever. Marriage when the difference is 10+ years is questionable because your aging trajectories wouldn’t match.

  15. I did it once when I was mid 20s, she was early 40s, still the benchmark sexually but we wanted different things out of the arrangement so went our separate ways.

    I wouldn’t do it again just on back of the napkin maths re fertility. The majority of women older than me are going to be menopausal or close to.

  16. I’ve dated women older than me in the past (most of my serious relationships, the woman was older) but currently I wouldn’t. I’m in my early 30’s and I want a family, so (if I were single) I would probably be looking for women my age and younger.

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