How would you honestly feel if a woman you used to talk to randomly texted you out of the blue after a month of no communication to ask if you want to make-out?

  1. Let’s be honest, us guys have done it too. It’s a booty call when nothing else is on the menu.

  2. I would not respond. If she just ghosts me for a month she has clearly showed me that she isn’t interested in being around me or having anything to do with me. People don’t change like that in such a short amount of time.

  3. I usually cut people off who have no time for me and who I have no time for. This scenario would not apply to me.

  4. If you don’t value her like someone you could date and stuff go for it, because she doesn’t value you in any way shape or form, Just looks at you like an easy target and you responding tells her that it’s ok to treat you like shit and if she ever needed a last option, you’ll be there

  5. First thought: that woman needs to get a grip on her life.

    Second thought after looking at your profile: that woman needs to get a grip on her life.

  6. Wait another month and respond “I dunno, why are you asking me this, is this part of some market research?”

  7. I’d hit them with a classic:

    “At least buy me dinner first.”


    Her reaction will tell you loads about her. If she agrees, she might just be serious. If she’s anything less than serious, she will not agree and probably react with something similiar to “Why the fuck would I pay for dinner just to make out?”, in which case there is nothing of value to be found here.

  8. Idk how you’d feel but one interpretation could be that she wants some intimacy but not sex. You’re on her list of men who aren’t creepy and probably wouldn’t pressure her too much to have sex so she texted you. Neither good nor bad really. Just depends on whether you want to do that, if not, say “no” and move on. No need to interpret it harshly.

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