I decided to end my friendship after nearly a decade because my friend lied to me and didn’t try to salvage the friendship afterwards.

(Context: I had interest in a guy and she lied to my face at a party we were all at and I learned that she slept with him later that night. I didn’t care about the guy, but really more about the fact that she lied to my face since I considered her my sister and i never thought she would do this to me. I confronted her and ultimately forgave her, but only on the condition that the ball is in her court since she hurt me so bad.)

Afterwards I rarely heard from her, she wanted to hang out less, and she shifted to seeing new people rather than trying to work on our friendship. I noticed her and my brother were hanging out more often without inviting me (I would see it on their socials). Fast forward to a few months later and after hearing excuses from her and seeing her lack of effort, I decided to end the friendship. When I approached her just to figure out why it seemed like she gave up, she refused to answer me and she kicked me out of her home.

To this day I see that her and my brother still hang out (they’re platonic friends btw) and I can’t help but feel hurt because my brother heard me venting about her and how I was hurting during the last end of our friendship. I want her out of my life fully and it’s hard to when my brother continues to be around her, so it feels like I’m constantly reminded of her and just how shitty of a friend she was. It feels like I’m disregarded and I feel betrayed by my own sibling.

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