So i (21M) have been taking to a class friend of mine (21F) since about a month into our current school semester. things have been nothing more than friendly banter up until recently. a few days ago she said that it’d be easier for us to send videos and voice memos to each other as a way to communicate, saying it’s easier that way and we have been since. alongside that, she made a seemingly out of the blue comment about me being funny recently too when texting. and finally, in one of the voice memos she sent me she asked if i think we’ve made a good enough friendship to stay friends once our semester is over. of course i say yes and that i would love to continue to be friends. i’ve been contemplating asking her out for a little bit now and this string of things happening between us makes it feel like it’s the best time to ask her, but i don’t want to misinterpret the situation. does it seem like the right time to ask? should i send her a voice memo or ask in person when i see her next? and if so how can i without making things weird if she says no?

1 comment
  1. I don’t know if it’s the right time. But let me ask you this: when will it ever the right time?

    You can stay friends forever and never make a move because it will never feel like “the right time”. I know this, I’ve had girls I’ve been friends with for years and long after that they asked me “why haven’t you ever asked me out?” -Because it never felt like “the right time”, until eventually it was too late.

    Of course, it could go either way. Her saying you’re funny doesn’t really mean any thing. Her saying she wants to “stay friends” could be interpreted as her wanting to *only* be friends, but who knows. The only way to know is to ask her. Of course you risk making your friendship awkward, but consider that this might be a risk worth taking.

    >should i send her a voice memo or ask in person when i see her next?

    I tend to think it’s better to ask out in person, but it could be argued it would make her feel more comfortable if it’s via text because that feels less “on the spot”. But then you risk being left on read.

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