I went on 3 dates with this guy. He was perfect and very handsome, but I wasn’t feeling the romantic chemistry. It broke my heart, I wanted to keep trying to see if I could grow that attraction, but I felt like I had to let him know because I didn’t want to lead him on and waste his time, it seemed like his feelings for me were stronger.We agreed not to go out again. It’s been 2 days since we last spoke, and I miss him already. I don’t know if my attraction to him was delayed because our dates were too close together, I didn’t have the opportunity to miss him, or if I just miss his attention. I’m fighting the urge to text him and tell him i want to keep trying. Any advice?

  1. If you went on 3 dates and didn’t feel chemistry I don’t think it all came on after no contact for 2 days. I bet you do just miss his attention, so be careful not to fuck with him.

  2. Are there any specific reasons you don’t feel chemistry? Are there things you don’t like about him?

  3. > He was perfect and very handsome

    FOMO. I agree with u/itsautumnbitch. If you don’t have any chemistry after 3 dates, you’re second guessing breaking it off, because you’re not sure you’ll be able to land a guy that level of handsome in the future. But no chemistry is no chemistry, and he deserves better than being put in the friendzone while you make up your mind.

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