Men of Reddit, what is your dream job or career?

  1. Incredibly ambitious: Entrepreneur, pilot or air traffic control.

    Somewhat ambitious: Software developer

    Achievable: Recovery driver, moving on to heavy recovery

  2. Anything involving problem solving with constant changes to keep me sharp (I have this fear of becoming lazy and complacent if it’s the same stuff repeated over and over).

    Currently in it so can say I have my dream job right now. I can find that in a lot of places which is nice but it comes down to how the rest of the company is which going on 12 years now has been great. If that changes I don’t think I’d hesitate in moving on though.

  3. Service tech for very, very tall towers, wind turbines, etc. Good money, travel, work mostly alone, climb giant towers, and even get to be lowered onto a tower from a helicopter sometimes. Still young enough to get into it, maybe I should…

  4. Astronaut. I’m 23, and still my dreams from my teenage years haven’t declined inspite of all the reality and discouragement.


  5. Owner/brewer of a small brewery. Nothing making me a millionaire but something where I can share my craft and bring home good money.

  6. A career that I don’t hate that pays me a lot of money so I can be comfortable for the rest of my life.

    If money wasn’t an object and I could do anything I wanted and didn’t have to worry about money or the implications of not making enough I would run my own dog rescue. I would just spend all day taking care of dogs and hanging out with dogs training dogs socializing dogs.

  7. Day trader, fantasy novelist, petty aristocrat, poet, geopolitical analyst, pop singer, adult model, TV screenwriter, folklore scholar, electronic music producer, journalist, travel agent, kava farmer, meat insect farmer

    A few of these a more obtainable goals than others

  8. I’d like to be a filmmaker/ writer. It has been the one constant desire I’ve had since I was a kid.

  9. Helicopter pilot.

    In summer I would fly tourists into very remote lakes to go fly fishing. In winter I would deliver heli-skiiers to the top of mountains. Maybe a little bit of search and rescue as well.

  10. Fighter pilot, alas childhood asthma precluded that, so firefighter, which I used to be.

  11. I always kinda wanted to be a stay at home Dad. For my days to be spent focused on improving the quality of life of those I love most in this world sounds like a fine deal to me.

  12. Mechanical engineer in a prestigious racing team. I am a mechanic now and I’m saving up to go back to school in 2 years to fulfill that dream.

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