Hi! I’m a 16 year old female turning 17 in one week. I really want the new iPad 10th generation for my birthday but I’m scared to ask my parents. My parents are well off and we are able to afford it, but I feel guilty asking for such an expensive present since I’ve never done so before. I know my parents will get me it if I ask since they’ve gotten my older siblings expensive stuff with no problem, but I feel guilt and selfish for some reason. How should I ask them so I feel less guilty?

  1. Damn, you’re pretty mature for your age. When I was your age, Id just ask for it and tbh sorta expect it to happen.

  2. Do you feel guilty asking for the gift because someone or something is making you feel like you don’t deserve it? I’m an adult and have struggled with this my whole life

  3. Do your parents ask youwhat would youwant for birthday? If yes, you could mention the ipad then.

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