So I’ve been talking to this girl for almost three weeks now. We went on one date and then I left for Christmas, and it’s still another week before I’ll be back. We’ve been talking a lot, and we’ve discussed boundaries, but nothing that’s like “hot and heavy”.

Look y’all, I’m horny. And I like this girl. And it’s been a minute for me, and I just remember in previous relationships how much sexting can really get things moving. But also, I don’t want to be a douche and just send a dick pic with the “U up?”

I’m an old fashion gentlemen, and this situation present the new challenge of how to test the waters respectfully without scaring her off. Previously sexting came after the first time, but this would be before. So, what tips do y’all have? Or do I just need to be patient with right hand?

  1. “I don’t want to overstep but would it be okay if I sent you some texts that are more intimate? Just texts for now if you’re okay with that. I’m also cool if you would like to move slower.”

  2. Tell her you’re laying in bed and was just thinking about her. Insinuate that you want to touch her by maybe saying something how you wish you could cuddle. Gauge her response then. If she seems receptive ask how she likes cuddling. Tell her you like spoon cuddling but say you might not be able to do it too long cause it will turn you on. By then she’ll either keep going along or put a stop to it. If she backs off just put a stop to it. If she’s good to go tell her you might want to kiss her if you cuddled and ask if she would be okay with that. If she says yes keep going.

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