Piggybacking off of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEurope/comments/u5zt1s/for_those_living_in_border_regions_of_your/)topic, where most people limit themselves to mentioning the commercial aspect of living in border regions. However, what cultural and social things do you do together, organised or spontaneous, with people from the other side of the political border?

I’ll give some examples from the North and South Basque Country.

The Korrika initiative is a biennial non-stop relay race that travels through the entire Basque Country in favour of the Basque language, it involves tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Basques from the North and the South and criss-crosses the border several times in order to visit the most amount of towns and cities as possible.

The Euskarabentura initiative is an annual adventure, history, culture kind of thing that brings 140 Basque girls and boys between the ages of 16-17, from both the North and the South Basque Country. Starting from either the North or the South Basque Country, they cover 783 km together on foot.

Nafarroaren Eguna (the Day of Navarre) is celebrated on the last day of April, it is to celebrate the ties between Lower Navarre (in the North Basque Country) and Upper Navarre (in the South Basque Country) after the Navarran kingdom was conquered. The celebration is held in the Northern Basque town of Baigorri and attracts thousands of people from both sides of the border.

The Iparra Hegoa initiative is an annual event, it unites North and South Basque high school students in the town of Segura. It’s organised by them mostly, it involves music, dancing, political debates, theatre, sport etc. Last year they organsed the Kutxa Bira, which involved crafting a box, putting a message inside it and this box would be welcomed in each town it went through, and the message read. It started in Patagonia, Argentinia (where there’s a Basque diaspora community) and eventually went through more than 70 towns across the Basque Country.

The Durango Azoka is the biggest Basque language book festival in the Basque Country. It starts on December the 5th and goes on for five days. Many North Basques authors come to sell their books, and many North Basques come to buy books as well.

The Great Bertsolari Championship is held every 4 years and the best bertsolaris (improvised poetry singers) from all over the Basque Country converge and compete with each other to try to win the title. Tens of thousands of Basque spectators from all over the Basque Country also come to fill the audience. In 2013 the winner was the North Basque Amets Arzallus Antia.

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