What do you look for personally wise

  1. Feminine energy, honest, dedicated, hardworking and hates the idea of divorce with all of her being

  2. A emotional connection and the complete opposite of the “Bad boss bitch” persona. Also things in common is also great.

    You know the men who walk around acting all overly macho and aggressive because they think that makes them Alpha… Yeah; the female equivalent of that is what I DON’T like

    Women who are nice and kind to others unless a person gives them not to be is WAY better than the “I’m a badass boss bitch” type. Way more approachable, easy to get along with and pleasent. Most women I’ve met and am close too are the nice kind type. I try to avoid the “boss bitch” types like the plaque. Just like how I prefer to hang out with the nice and kind type of men rather than the nasty “LOOK GUYS I’M A ALPHA MALE” Douche type

  3. Strong, intelligent and compassionate. I found it but that trio of qualities is extremely rare. Women who have the first two often don’t have the third and vice versa.

  4. It’s not something I’ve thought about much. I would just hang out and feel of there was chemistry or not. Didn’t have a list or anything.

  5. loyalty, positivity, compassion, honesty, and not being aggressive or make unnecessary conflict

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