23m, wardrobe is improving, continuously working on my social skills. In high school I was too nerdy for most people, but not nerdy enough for the nerds. I was an athlete then so that was really my only way to socialize.

In college I really struggled, most people look at me like they’re better than me, and I just don’t get it. Most people don’t seem that special, so I don’t know what they see in themselves that makes them proud enough to look down on me.

I don’t know why this always happens to me. No one else has to fight for acceptance, and everyone else can easily find people who want them around, but I can’t. I always have to be amazing, as if I’m compensating for some sort of ugliness that I can’t see or comprehend.

I got invited to a New Year’s Eve party by an old friend, it’ll mostly be high school people there, and I can’t see anything but the worst happening, despite all my improvements.

  1. What specifically is happening? This is much tok vague to gilet good advice. What is the thing that everyone does that makes you think they are looking down on you?

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