Would you rather settle your financial situation first or your love life, and why?

  1. love life. I could be living in a box with a person I love and who loves me and I would be happy.

  2. As long as you’re not struggling to make ends meet, prioritizing both should be the best long term play

  3. Honestly, from experience, I’d focus on my financial situations first. Often, one of the most common reasons couples argue is money/financials.

    But don’t think that just because you have it squared away on your end, that it is all fine and dandy in your dating/married life unless your partner does too.

    My ex would often times go broke and couldn’t afford to pay all of her bills due all the times she goes to Target for “retail therapy.” Despite the fact that we never lived together or had any joint financial arrangements, her financial habits often got in the way of our relationship in plenty of ways.

  4. I’m totally prioritising my finances right now.

    I still have a few FWBs and would be totally open to finding love, but I’m not putting any real work in.

    Getting my finances good and buying a house is entirely where my focus is.

  5. Love life.

    Because love is actually real. Well, not in the hallmark soul mate sense.

    But in the ‘I love my friends and family and my hobbies’ sense.

    In the grand scheme of things, love actually matters. Financial stuff doesn’t.

    I’d posit that love is the ONLY thing that really, truly matters on our deathbed.

    If you don’t have love, whether that’s friends, family, hobbies, a pet, art, something that makes you.. feel love: then your life will be very very dark.

  6. I’m currently working on both, but if I could pick which falls into place first, it’d be finding love.

  7. I don’t have a love life at the moment, but I do have a financial situation. I’d rather get that settled before opening up a new can of worms, especially when having the old can of worms dealt with would be actively beneficial to dealing with the new one.

  8. Get your life together first. No guarantee that a relationship will last. Take care of yourself first

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