My BF no longer trusts me

My boyfriend and I had been together for a year and a half now and I have done a terrible mistake. I hid some things from him or more like I haven’t told him things since I thought it was just a little thing but never really thought that it would be such a dealbreaker to him.

I know I had my own share of mistakes here and I could never blame him for why he doesn’t trust me now with the things that I say. The thing is I wanna make it up to him but I don’t know how specially now that we’re in a long distance relationship and it’s very hard to communicate since we’re used to solving things in like a face-to-face manner. I am really trying my best to change but it seems like that alone isn’t enough. What should I do?

TL;DR: The thing that I kept from him was when his friend slid into my dms.

  1. Teenagers change partners frequently. This is so they can practice social manners. Like being honest and ending one relationship before starting another. You’re due for one, and need a lot more practice in the other. Pick out a book on ethics and read every page.

  2. We see this a lot, where one partner elevates a “no big deal” thing into a major crime against the relationship because they want you feeling guilty. That gives them all the power in the relationship.

    I bring this up because, well, if whatever you did is a dealbreaker, then his deal is broken. When somebody ACTS like you committed some unforgivable crime but still wants to date you (so long as you’re begging for forgiveness) that probably means that the crime wasn’t really that unforgivable.

    Receiving a few DMs from a friend of his, even trading friendly DMs with someone, *is not a relationship crime.*

    If a friend hit on you, and you shot him down, you don’t have to tell him. You CAN tell him. But you don’t have to report every time you get hit on.

    You should stop accepting his framing that you did something wrong.

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