Has anyone else had this awkward situation arise?

Earlier, I was speaking on the phone with a beloved relative, which was nice, and suddenly their neighbor rings their doorbell to chat with them. I have casually said hello to the neighbor before, but I don’t talk to them everyday like my relative. I proceeded to tell them since they have company we can talk later and I’m getting ready to end the conservation.

The next thing I know, my relative has handed his neighbor his phone, and I’m talking to her. I tell her I hope she’s doing well and wish her a Merry Christmas, but then say “I’m not sure why \_\_\_\_\_\_ put me on the phone with you, but I hope you are doing okay.” She seemed a little unsure too and our conversation lasts about 30 seconds, if that. Then she hands the phone back to my relative.

The thing is, I wasn’t actually prepared to talk to her so it threw me off a little. Perhaps my relative meant well (“Oh, wouldn’t it be nice for you to speak to my neighbor”), but for me it just felt awkward.

  1. We cant be prepared for everything that comes our way. The harder you fight against these unexpected occurrences the harder they become. Accept reality as it unfolds and do your best in it

  2. My mother does that ALL the time .. to force me to talk to relatives .. I hate her to the moon and back for that ..

  3. Share with your relative or anyone who does this controlling behavior (of handing off phone) regularly. Let them know in advance if they do it again you’ll hang up immediately without speaking. Then follow thru if they do it again. Every time in fact. You may or may not get through to your relative but you also won’t be forced into situations where you aren’t yet comfortable.

    The magic is, once you see you can and do honor your own needs in these situations, you may find yourself open to speaking when the situation occurs again.

  4. Yes. My niece’s dad SA’d me when I was in high school. After they divorced and my niece was about 6 she was on the phone with him and said “here talk to her” and I hung up immediately lol

  5. My dad always answers the phone on speaker and doesn’t tell me that there’s someone there visiting.

  6. Happened with me, i called my homie to ask him for ideas for the project, and that mf gave the phone to MY crush, leaving me in an awkward situation.. idk why tf did he do that and i was quite angry on him for doing so, like mf i called you for YOUR opinion and you give the, phone to someone i didnt actually wanted to talk to (at tht moment)

    ps- They both go to same tution classes

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