men of reddit: what and what would you do if your forced to face your deepest or biggest fear

  1. Having a stroke or injury that causes me to lose control of my mind, or possibly worse, one that causes me to be “locked in” where my mind is aware of everything (see, hear, feel, smell, and understand), but I can’t move or communicate with anyone or anything.

    As for what I’d do…there’s nothing I COULD do, which is why it’s my biggest fear.

  2. Did this awhile back. My biggest fear was/is seeing my old friend. Its a very long story. Short version: he was a manipulator and made my life a nightmare until I cut him out. I drove by his old house, just to see if he lived there still, didn’t plan on stopping, just a quick drive by. Closer I got, the heavier my breathing got. Felt like someone was pushing on my chest into the seat. Major anxiety. Not a feeling I wanna repeat. I don’t wanna know how I’d feel if I ever saw him in public. Although, might be replaced with rage.

  3. I’ll probably just have a heart attack, or just windup my shit and go live in solitude somewhere far away or as a last resort unalive myself from the depression it would cause.

  4. Murder Murder murder Murder Murder Murder murder Murder Murder Murder murder Murder Murder Murder murder Murder Murder Murder murder Murder Murder Murder murder Murder Murder Murder murder Murder Murder Murder murder Murder .. suicide

  5. Power though it, like I did with driving. I’m in my mid-late 30s and started driving less than 2 years ago. It’s pretty normal now, but when I was practicing it was stressful to the point I was making mistakes that didn’t need to be made. Failed the driver’s test 5 or 6 times before just barely passing lol.

    So far, no accidents.

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