Men with an SO – how often you look at your partner and just say, “Damn!”

  1. Every morning, and usually in the evening. She rolls her eyes or tells me I’m an idiot. But I’m being genuine, so that can’t stop me.

  2. All the time. She’s so hot, clever, funny, beautiful, cute, cool, dorky, etc.. I’m truly blessed.

  3. Damn lol, it sucks knowing i wont be looked at the way the people in the comments look at their SO’s

  4. Every day! My wife and I have a fun ritual. Every night I usually get in bed before she does, so I get to see her undress to get into her PJs. Every time I let her know how I feel when she does.

  5. My husband tells me that even when I think I look like trash. Or 15mins ago when he’s giving me googly eyes and still in bed and says (without so many words) that I should get up and shower 🤣🤣

  6. Everyday. Everyday she comes to bed, strips and I stop reading to enjoy looking at my wife. She tells me “you’ve seen it loads, can’t be that exciting now” and I tell her “I’ve seen the sunset loads, it’s still beautiful to me”

    Whether she happy and playing and smiling, whenever she walks in front of me in tight jeans, whenever she’s wearing anything with cleavage ever. Doesn’t matter if she only just woken up and she thinks she looks a mess, still the most beautiful woman in the world to me

  7. If I didn’t have to work my wife would be in serious trouble cause I can’t keep my hands off of her.

  8. Often. I put a bow on her head today and told her I was gonna take her up the bedroom and unwrap her.

  9. Where can I find me a man like all of you in the comments 🥰 your wives are very lucky ladies

  10. I eyefuck my wife quite often, and usually tell her when I do it. Probably every day, but no less than 4 times a week.

  11. We regularly go for late night drives. It always takes my breath away when we drive under a lamppost or a traffic light and I watch the colors wash over her face. It’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen, and it’s what I think about whenever we have a rough patch.

  12. Ok these answers just made my day and I don’t even know any of these men, that’s so amazing, glad for every one of you

  13. Every single day, morning and night and all day when we are together. We both Have a folder, mine with pics of her, could be outfit input, work attire, sexy stuff, pics of us together or even just good photos taken by her on a trip somewhere with family.

    I scroll through any chance I get and still say damn every time.

    When we are together, if she stands up, or sits down, especially making coffee or cooking, getting ready for the day or to go out is a real treat. Seeing her focused on reading something interesting online, or thinking deeply about a trivia answer is heavy breathing from me.

    We are both the same before you call me weird. WE are weird, the same, And we love it. Fuck I need to go have a look right now. Damn..

  14. She’ll just be sitting the bed in her cow oodie chowing down on some haribo reading her stories and I’ll just be like “damn, I really got the very best one out there.”

    “would you still love me if I was a worm?”
    Babygirl you’re laying here like a little blanket burrito and all I’m thinking is how I finally found the one.

  15. Whenever I see her. I feel so blessed to have her around. Crazy how someone’s existence can make me forget every bad thing that has ever happened.

  16. So I don’t exactly say dam out loud. But my version of that is always tapping her bum and kissing her. I do this multiple times a day. Everyday. Friends and family know that I love my wife but truth is it’s more then that lol. I’m obsessed with my wife. Being obsessed most of the time isn’t healthy but with me and my wife it is. It works. She loves me and allows me to smother her all the time lol. 12years married and the way she still turns up on a night out for me is jaw dropping. My favourite is when she wears clear high heels with pink lights at the bottom and short white jean shorts with a pink crop top. She knows how to turn me on and make me proud. She turns head and she knows it. True love is rare in this world. Some people try and find it their entire life’s and never do and pass on. So people here in this thread. If you have love embrace it with all your heart.

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