I don’t want to fake it. But I don’t know how to politely tell him when he is trying his best to make me cum that we should stop and focus on getting him off tonight. Of course I will teach him whenever we have sex next how to pleasure me the right way. But in such a situation, what would you do?

  1. I know I didn’t cum but I feel satisfied now, it was really nice.

    Or you can od course try to help him touch you in ways that you enjoy if it’s in fact not pleasurable.

  2. In dirty talk format, tell him you want to do stuff to him and if he communicates he wants to carry on performing on you “beg” to do it (in a sexy way) and tell him its what you want/need to get yourself off

  3. “Hey hun. I’m not gonna cum tonight, I’m sorry. It’s really not you.”

    but after that, offer him something else he can do to pleasure you. Some guys really need the feeling that they can perform and if you deny them your orgasm, they feel like they failed. So you could go:

    “would you be so nice and rub my neck? / butt massage? I’m really tense, that would be so good.”

    So he can actually feel like he made you feel really good without the pressure to make you cum.

  4. “That feels so good, but I don’t think I can orgasm right now. How can I make you feel good?”

  5. “hey, that feels good and thank you for ____, but I don’t think I am gonna cum tonight. Can I do ___ for you?”

    Or “can I have more attention on my boobs, or more kissing time?”

    Or “I need your cock in me!”

    Just remember it’s better to stop while it still feels good rather than waiting till it hurts. Removing the pressure from orgasming will make it easier next time 🙂

  6. Usually I’d just do other things to get me back in .. (nipple play, holding his dick in my hands while he penetrates me, ask him to eat this cat) … because babe we getting the job done .. 😂😭

  7. I usually like when my girlfriend just stops me with “force”

    She looks at me, wraps her Armas around me, pushes me strong against her, so i cant move anymore, gives me some headpats and just says “you can calm down” or “just hug me”

  8. I need a break, can we change it up, come up and kiss me. You can tell him sometimes over stimulation makes it hard or impossible to get there. He shouldn’t take it as a bad thing, if he seems lost tell him it’s fabulous but you weren’t prepared for it

  9. There’s really no way to say, “You have been unsuccessful in making me orgasm, and I don’t think you are going get anywhere close to making do so if you continue. Please stop,” without bruising his ego at least a little bit. Not your fault, but he’s not gonna hear that well. No matter what terms you couch it in.

    Only real way around it is to not say that, but instead just begging focusing on him and making him cum without addressing what happened before. But then you have the issue of giving him pointers for next time and bruising his ego then.

    Just accept that it’s gonna suck for him to hear either way and that he’ll get over it eventually.

  10. The real answer is “feeling a bit sensitive there tonight” that way he doesn’t take it personally and you can start fresh another time and guide him as necessary

  11. Why and how is “he” failing? Inadequate touch? Lead his hands. Bad tongue game: tell him to switch to whatever would be better.

    Play a little. Touch yoursrlf the way you want him to (don’t have to take over, just… contribute something, so he can pick up the cues).

    It doesn’t have to lead to orgasm, but if you only tell him to stop whatever he’s doing, and then that’s the end of your exchange in this issue, he will also fail the next time.

    At east make sure the next time in the same situation you two are not *exactly* in the same spot.

  12. Sometimes I just say “I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s gonna happen, can you stop, it’s a bit overstimulating”

  13. My wife just says, “It’s not gonna happen this time, you just finish” and that’s that. No hard feelings, sorted. I don’t get wound up about it, not every session ends in an O, I just try extra hard the next time lol

  14. Sometimes it’s just an off night 🤷🏽‍♀️ If this happens to me it’s usually while he’s eating me out, so I just say like “omg I need your cock in me right now!” Or get his attention and tug on his beard gently to pull him towards me and say something like “come kiss me I want to taste my pussy too” and then just lead him to doing something else so he can get off 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don’t usually broadcast to them that it’s not working, if they ask later I let them know that I enjoyed it and loved the attention they gave me and it was an off night.

  15. As someone who’s very bad at using their words I tend to gently place my hand on their arm/head (depending on what they’re doing) which causes them to look up and then I’ll lean forward towards them whilst sort of gently pulling them up towards me so we start kissing instead. After kissing for a bit I’ll start pleasuring them

  16. I usually just pull his head up/towards me and we move on, or move his hand or say “don’t think it’s gonna happen today” 🤷🏼‍♀️ then continue with sex until he’s finished. Honestly my clits dumb and I can really only get off like every third day if we’re having sex daily.

  17. Tell him to stop and establish a bit of a training dynamic. Be verbose on what you want him to do / what you don’t want him to do. Let him know you still want to fook; but, that you also want to make him better at sex. Offer to have him train you up as well in any field he feels you could improve. So long as you haven’t been faking, and the two of you can take criticism, the hit will be minimal and it’ll open up honest dialogue.

  18. “Hey, let’s take a break real quick. I just can’t get there right now. I need a cuddle/breather/wine/shower.”

  19. Just say you’re not going to orgasm this time round – I think initially people might be offended, particularly if they’ve had other people just fake it, but explain that it’s not a reflection of the sex.

    It used to feel rude for me at the start, but I’d rather that than you fake it once and then you’re stuck in a rut because they do the same stuff thinking you like it

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