Men who have asked their female friends on a date, how did they react?

  1. Ha…..I was “just friends” with a girl. All we did was stuff friends do together. Truly… hanky panky. About as involved as it got was under the same blanket watching movie or something. After a few months things evolved. We got physcial. Been together 22 years. I guess my point in this narrative. What we weren’t calling dating – all the stuff we would do together – was in fact, dating.

  2. I did once. We tried it out but it just didn’t feel like it should. The sparks weren’t there. so we just went back to being friends

  3. Said yes and we went to an amusement park one day and a movie the next.

    We both weren’t looking for a relationship, just a fun couple days out with someone we knew.

  4. I never ask people on a date per say. I just ask if they wanna go do a thing with me. If we’re sexually attracted then it’s obvious and I just let whatever is gonna happen happen.

  5. Asked my technically supervisor friend on a video game date as we both enjoyed the same old rpg, she said yes to that one and more. Still really good friends.

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