Recently our conversations have been about each others day or whatever video game we we’re playing together at the time and rarely gets deeper than that anymore.

We’re 5 months in and remember a time when it wasn’t always like this, but lately i personally have felt a sort of pressure when in a phone call or face to face conversation to make that deep conversation and i end up feeling unnatural when talking to her for some reason.

What can I/we do to fix this?

tl;dr conversations btwn us are basic what can we do to spice it up. our relationship is 5 months long now

  1. but yeah not rlly sure what to do from here i’d love some opinions/help on how to go from here

  2. I have faced something similar from time to time and in general that means the other person is going through something and isn’t ready or able to share it. Given I am okay.

    What I do is try to be vulnerable. Talk about something which you have been thinking of. Something like this even. How the conversations aren’t going anywhere and how it makes you feel etc.

    Ther is no need to have deep conversations. It is more about you feeling distant from the other person. Reduce that distance. Share your inner most thoughts and vulnerabilities. She will most likely respond in kind.

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