Throwaway because my main has a name that people who know me might recognize.

So I [20M] am into a friend [20F], we’ve been friends since our first year of college, we are on our third year now, we have a really good friendship right now.

I’ve been into her for about half a year now, some things keeping me from making a move require a little context: she has only been in one relationship ever (of any kind) and she got out of that relationship right before summer started, his ex dumped her (the relationship lasted for about 7-8 months). He is also someone in college with us. Lastly that ex of hers shortly after dumping her made out with a friend of hers in a party.

So, the reasons keeping me from doing something are:

– I’m afraid that if she rejects me the friendship might be over.

– She might not want to get involved with anyone because of her last relationship, maybe especially more with someone from college like me.
– Between the ex, the friend the ex made out with and some others recently she has lost some close relationships in the last year (gained some too tho) and, knowing that she considers me close, if I make a move and get rejected she would lose another close relationship.
– Kind of scared of rejection in general.

Friends that I have asked (most of which don’t know her) tell me that I should go for it and that it will go just fine and I will end up with her and so on, but of course what my friends would think is whatever would make me happier, I want some unbiased opinions.

So I’m asking you people of reddit: Should I make a move? Is it worth the risks?

Some additional info:

– Even though I’m someone really pessimist about myself, in this case I do think that she might be a bit into me.
– There is no one close to her that I could ask what she really thinks about me without she getting to know about it.

Any more info you might need in order to give a proper answer I’ll be willing to give in the comments.

TLDR: I’m into a friend and scared of what might happen, so I ask reddit for unbiased opinions.

1 comment
  1. Just hang out, get drunk, prep with her with some playful touching, kiss her, +10yrs later hold a gender reveal party. U don’t need to make a huge cringe declaration of feelings, u just need to learn some moves and also be a bit more edgy/unpredictable/teasing with your texts so you’re not just the nice guy dependable friend.

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