I found out that EVERY women I have met and at least had a bit of an emotional connection/ sexual encounter with for an un-insignificant amount of time, when they ghost me for whatever reason, come crawling back weeks/months later when I do not actively reach out to them and give off the vibe that I don’t give a jackass. I’d go so far as to say it’s pretty much a guarantee, it’s just a matter of when.

They sneak into my DM/ messages and say stuff like “hey” “remember me?” or offer some sort of BS apology.

Unfortunately, in most cases if not all, I had lost interest in them and things are not the same as before.

Why is this? LMAO Women are so hard to wrap our head around as men.

  1. Well most people who ghost for no reason have a tiny or a very fragile ego. That’s your answer. Never get back to them!

  2. Last year I was seeking an fwb on a dating app and I had a conversation with this guy who I was really interested in. I got super busy with my internship, career stuff, and a relative died. I didn’t talk to him for about a year. I contacted him again recently, explained what happened, and we resumed our conversation. We have a date planned now.

    It isn’t always BS. If she was into you but super busy, she’s still going to be into you once things are resolved. I probably would’ve lost interest if he was needy and clingy. It could also be that they had sex with you and enjoyed themselves and only were interested in you when they were horny again.

  3. Could be that they recently broke and didn’t feel confident enough to commit to a relationship and dating back again.

  4. I would pose the same question right back to you. Why do men not get the hint that they aren’t all that and a bag of chips? Some of us don’t care about your car or what you do for a living and have no interest in you and yet apparently if we smile and offer you a hello, we’re obsessed and can’t stop thinking about you. Heaven forbid that we block and forget about you. That could never be!! We must simply be in love and playing hard to get.. The eyeroll is hard.

  5. Because you’re a fallback option. They were talking to someone else, and it didn’t work out.

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