What’s something that you will be teaching your children as early as possible?

  1. Parents have experience and have learned from their mistakes so listen to them. I don’t believe in physical punishment for misbehaving because that makes no sense.

  2. Don’t trust anyone 100%, always keep an eye on your surroundings and others.

    If you want more then work a 9-5 job, focus on your education and make something yourself, job is only plan B.

    Think about the opinion of others, but don’t think too much of it, most of them are worthless.

    How the world really works, if they are old enough to understand.

    Kindness, Empathie, moral standarts

  3. I have daughters, and I will teach them how to stay safe online – so many people trying to take advantage of small girls on social media apps and other platforms…

  4. Common sense, kindness, thinking for themselves, good work ethic.

    How to change a tire, oil, cooking basics, the satisfaction of having a clean living space.

    I’ve tried to teach my children this, some have got it, some are trying, but they can all clean up after themselves, feed themselves and still get along.

  5. Life, I want them to learn life skills

    Introduce them to things I enjoy and want them to enjoy, Introduce them into things they’d enjoy (Without indoctrinating them into these hobbies/passions obviously)

    Tolerance and Acceptance (within reason) regardless of their sexuality, identity, political position e.t.c.

    How the world works, Like simple economics “You do this chore for our household, I give you this much money” or concepts of fairness or inequalities in the world that are innate

    How Education and Literature is very important in relation to most other things but not to the point to snuff out their creative light

    And to generally be there as a guideline, The older generations are wise but you only have that wisdom for so long until you become scenile, So pass it on early on so that builds the foundation of their character

    Hopefully you do it right and your child will be a-okay


    I joined kinda late into my step-childs life but so far I’d say she’s doing wonderful.

  6. A female relative of mine did something to me (multiple times) when I was a child & I still haven’t told about it to my parents. So always talk to your kids & teach them about “good touch” & “bad touch.” Apart from that, self-defense, multiple languages, patience, discipline etc etc

  7. Love. They know I love em more than anything



    That they can always come to me when there’s a problem

    Variety with diet. That one kinda bit me in the ass cuz one of em got expensive taste lmao

    No forced affection. They can say no to hugging others if they don’t want to.

    Age appropriate chores

    Age appropriate ways of dealing with harsher realities of life. I grew up rough, making their lives easier than mine, but they gotta know what to do in dangerous situations.

  8. That there are some unchanging rules which will always have consequences if ignored. I see it as a way to teach someone very early that not everything is up for debate and even if one tries to it won’t change anything.

  9. Martial arts, striking (box, Muay thai) and grappling (bjj, wrestling). Also music, to play guitar or any instrument they like

  10. Kindness, how to not hurt others and I’ll never put pressure on him/her regarding studies, let him/her follow their passion and most importantly sit with them, full fill their curiosities and try to make them more curious

    At the end, just let them live, it’s their lives let them figure it out themselves. Be there for them but don’t interfere much.

  11. A second language.

    Born German, i’d raise my kid german/english right from the start. The amount of people who cant even watch a single english YouTube Video is too damn high.

  12. Talk to people and build meaningful connections. You can get lifeworthy friends as early as childhood.

  13. I think first of all I’ll teach them they don’t need to scream or raise their voice.

    I’ll lead by example by never screaming or raising my voice to them. And I’ll listed to their concerns and frustrations calmly without needing them to raise their voice to feel heard. If they feel heard when talking quietly, why would they feel they need to scream?

    It’ll hopefully create a calm and peaceful environment for everybody involved where we use our words to resolve issues rather than primitive shouting.

    I know you only asked for the first, but very closely second is that mommy and daddy don’t judge and will only be happy if they’re happy.

    So many children and young adults get exploited or are unsafe because they don’t feel like they can talk about certain issues with their parents out of fear for being shamed or disappointing my parents.

    I want to always give them the feeling that they can talk about their issues, no matter how embarrassing they might feel, because if they’re dating someone who is mistreating them, I want to know and I want to help.

  14. Gun safety, starting with “don’t touch and tell an adult”, then safe gun handling practices, and finally good shooting techniques. I have kids in all 3 stages right now.

  15. Perspective is everything. Also don’t mess with your mom. With that being said, my eldest daughter can legally buy booze, so…

  16. Santa’s not real. It takes perseverance, risk, hard work and dedication to achieve in life. Some old fictional fart isn’t going to make your life better. It’s up to you to be the “Santa” of your own life. Once you achieve that, you can help be a “Santa” to others by helping them achieve their goals.

  17. I’m going to teach mine on how to not expect anything they ask for right away. I’ll always come through for them but not right away.

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