I went to dinner with a guy I’ve been talking to this past Wednesday. He bought me a Kate Spade wallet and surprised me with it on the date. For reference, we send Instagram reels back and forth and I had sent him one about boyfriends holding their girl’s purses, to which he responded I’m only holding Kate Spades. I told him that I didn’t have anything in that brand, he said he wants to spoil me and he shows up to the date with a wallet. I am so grateful for the wallet, however he has barely talked to me the last few days and doesn’t send me reels anymore. I feel like he’s ghosting me because he will leave me on delivered for hours when he would respond quickly before. Should I ask him what’s going on, or is that too much? Why would someone buy a pricey wallet for a girl and then not talk to her? I legit thought the date went well and I thanked him a lot for the wallet.

  1. Maybe give it a bit more time. Christmas was recently. Could just be busy with Holiday stuff. He’s still responding even if delayed so it’s very probably he’s been spending time with family

  2. You do realize the biggest holiday of the year just unfolded? And most people are visiting family and friends? That’s what you should be focusing on, as well. Hanging out with some family and friends, enjoying the time. If he hits you back, great. If he doesn’t, oh well. Move on.

  3. Yeah just ask him it’s a simple question. Prob he wanted something in return? 🤷🏼‍♀️

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