Men who have a good sense of judging character, in what situation has it helped you avoid certain people?

  1. A woman walked into the store while I was working and everyone was trying to get her out thinking she was “just another homeless druggie” and my boss called the cops on her

    But I was one of the only two people on shift that day that DIDNT think she looked dangerous and looked more in help


    Turned out she was a woman battling with drug addiction (was currently on something) and had just been thrown out of her car by her ex-husband who has been abusing her

    I gave her water helped clean up her scraped and waited with her and talked to her to keep her calm while the ambulance showed up and let her use my phone to let her mother know what’s going on


    All humans are still people until given reasonable doubt to say otherwise, Just because they look bedraggled doesn’t mean they aren’t

  2. Almost too many to count.

    Being a good judge of character is pretty necessary in relation to my goals, so I use it almost everyday now.

    I think it’s a skill that anyone can work on and be good at, but the problem is that not a lot of people feel the need to work on it, or they don’t have enough opportunity to do so.

  3. I’m a snarky asshole by nature, so I avoid all sorts of people by making them avoid me.

  4. I’ve been able to do so since I was a kid. It helped me understand social queues at a young age, which in turn helped me get a better sense for a person’s character when interacting with them.

  5. You know the close friends, hobby friends, acquaintances, and those to avoid. The avoid category is people who need to be condescending towards others.

  6. everytime? but if i’m being honest with you.. unless the person in a gang or an actual dumbass.. there’s really no need to cut people off, i say keep ‘em close and use em as canon fadder but that’s a skill you gotta practice or else it’ll seem obvious

  7. The easiest way to judge character is by paying attention to how they talk. If they talk mad shit or negatively gossip or whine and complain constantly… pay attention. Those are usually indicative of some deeper issues and usually not a good sign of character.

    A person of good character doesn’t need to bring others down or constantly be negative.

  8. My parents forced me into a cult for 3 years and ever since then I’ve been able to spot manipulative behavior from a mile away. Whenever someone is too friendly, too outgoing, or wants to get to know me too well I immediately get suspicious. Especially when they’re part of a group that are too upbeat and excited about everything, huge red flags.

  9. If somebody is a shithead, odds are its not a secret. Being a good judge of character isn’t difficult, or even particularly rare. *Doing something about it is.* More often than not I see people just allowing some piece of trash to walk all over them because they fear confrontation and “don’t want to be the bad guy.”

    Here’s a tip. If they are perfectly fine being the bad guy to you, why the hell should you afford them any courtesy for it? The trick isn’t identifying bad character. The trick is directly and tactfully telling somebody with bad character “thats enough. Fix yourself or remove yourself from this situation.”

  10. Usually in public….being out in crowded places. Vacations is another one because the scammer are out here. That’s all temporary though. Long term- the workplace is the most dangerous place to get got by unscrupulous people.

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