Me 23 f him 24 Hi I’ve been seeing this guy for only a month off bumble. I just wanted to hook up, him too. We met up had a connection and talked and cuddled it was nice. We met up multiple times and I asked to go on a real date so we went to the movies we also went out to eat together. He also opened up to me and we talked about other things. Obviously lots of lust. We didn’t got all the way technically just hooking up. He started acting very tired and busy but we had been seeing each every weekend multiple nights. I heard it’s normal for men to pull away. Then I got into a major car accident and now have a minor concussion the day we were supposed to meet he was also sick he told me. It’s also the holidays so I understand him being busy. My concussion made me emotional and I told him that I wanted to make sure he wanted to keep seeing me. And that I was initiating most of the plans lately but I understand being busy he travels for work a lot and he was sick and he looked exhausted last time I saw him but I don’t wanna wast e my time He misinterpreted me wanting to be serious even tho that isn’t the case. He then said he didn’t want anything serious and that it might not workout but he enjoyed his time with me and that I’m the most genuine girl he’s met. I then cleared that I didn’t want anything serious either and was just asking if he wanted to keep seeing eachother and have fun. He then. Offered hanging out After he gets back from Out of town. Should I just leave it alone and let him prove he ants to spend time with me? Or did I scare him away? I don’t want anything serious either will he come back if I leave him alone?

  1. This is a mess. It sounds like you do want something but didn’t speak up and ‘went with the flow’ for too long. Give him space and it’s probably for the best that you move one. Next time state what you want from the beginning instead of trying to force something.

  2. Bullet dodged. When you find that you’re the one initiating all or nearly all of the dates, the two of you aren’t in the same place. Let it go.

  3. I get a bit of mixed signals from you after reading this!!

    You say you don’t want anything serious but the entire message makes me feel like you have an attachment to him and that you’re wanting or at least maybe dreaming of a little more.

    stop and be honest with yourself… do you dream of this being more than it is? Do you hope he will change his mind and make it more or that it will over time turn into something later?

    That’s totally okay and I think it’s normal but it feels like your words and actions aren’t aligned

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