This past summer I was flying to Europe and sat next to a random man on the flight overseas. We ended up talking the whole flight and had a really fun time watching movies, playing trivia and drinking double gin n tonics. We exchanged numbers and went our separate ways. Didn’t communicate too much because at the time I didn’t think much of it and wasn’t that interested (I was talking to someone else from back home), but a couple months later we were talking about meeting up somewhere for a spontaneous, random mini vacation/trip together. I was down but then stopped hearing from him; didn’t really care/think much of it. A few months after that I remembered about him and reached out but my message never delivered, then he texted me from a new number a few days later! His phone had broke. Now we’re kind of talking again and I’ve developed the biggest crush on him. He is such a bright and fun and handsome person. I find myself stalking him on Facebook constantly (we’re fb friends). The problem is that he works for a cruise ship and is on the seas until next summer. What do I do?!

  1. Oh this is very romantic story of meeting someone, but I think it’s better if you stopped fantasizing and falling in love with him before you met him again. Because when you start feeling more love than he does, you already give too much control and balance shifts and if something happens, he finds someone else etc, you may be left in pieces. Never give men the idea how much you love them. Act chill

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