We are both in college. I think i have a good amount of experience, especially compared to him.

Is it super awkward to be the girl taking a guy’s virginity? Is it always over fast (lol) the first time? Any tips?

  1. it was super awkward for me bc he didnt tell me he was a virgin until it was already over and at that point i would have rather not known. its not always super fast but in my experience it was exceptionally clumsy.

    we agreed to keep things casual which is what bothered me about taking his virginity, i felt like it should have been a more special experience for him and then it was proven right when he became weirdly enamored with me later. he pretended he was fine with casual but once i started to withdrawal he latched on like he was fighting for his life and i had to block his number bc he kept getting drunk and blowing up my phone at 3 am. do not recommend.

  2. Don’t bank on it being fast. I’ve assumed that before and sometimes if they’re anxious it can go the other direction and they can take awhile

  3. The same thing happened to me, I was 23 he was 18 or 19, I’m Latina he was American, and he was so in love after it happened, we started “dating” kinda or that’s what he thought lol cause I didn’t think we were, and he just was in love with me, he would want to cuddle with me for hours lol, and I love to cuddle but enough is enough he would be at my house for hours and I needed my space so it was getting a little upset cause this guy wouldn’t leave my house and I really didn’t want anything serious, plus he was having fantasies with me, lol he was like omg it was my dream to do this and that, and he was not bad, to be honest, he was pretty good but having a younger person being in love with you is kinda weird lol. then he started talking about living together and renting an apartment and I was like what are you talking about? he would want to go on dates or visit me all the time and I like to be alone, he went to the army and he changed we keep in touch but yeah thank god he went to the army I was feeling asphyxiated.

  4. > Is it super awkward to be the girl taking a guy’s virginity?

    If you take the lead and know what you are doing, not really. Just remember you’re the guide.

    > Is it always over fast (lol) the first time?

    I dated a few guys in my teens, they both were really awkward and lasted, like, seconds on the first try. But the guys I helped out as a young adult lasted a little bit longer despite them being really nervous lol

  5. It’s not always fast. My wife was my first back when we were dating. I had mild death grip but mostly was so nervous that I couldn’t cum. It was still an awesome experience.

  6. An experienced girl took my virginity.
    I calmly said to her i never had sex and she was cool with that, than we started having sex and i expected to last seconds, but i haven’t even reached an orgasm in fucking hours. At the end of the night my dick hurts because it was rock solid all the time. It was amazing

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