What is your relationship like with your mother-in-law?

  1. Polite till i detect bullshit than its “Play ur games else where. Remember who pays the bills.”

  2. Not married, but we’ve been together for years – pretty good I’d say, we’re both pretty calm people. She lives far away, so we only see each other occasionally.

  3. Ok. She is a negative AF person so the only interactions my wife and I have with her are because we HAVE to. Thankfully for me her other daughter is marrying a deadbeat woman abuser alcoholic narcissist so the bar is not that high in being her favorite son in law.

  4. When she was still my mother in law she hated me because I wasn’t white. I hated her because she looked kinda like a rat with a Karen cut.

  5. Excellent woman. Very smart, very cultured, very animated when she talked about life in Communist Russia. Too bad she passed away 20 years ago.

  6. Very good. She’s an awesome person and I’m happy to be a part of the family.

  7. We tolerate each other. Just too different. Basically my whole life was a sin. I didn’t grow up around people who hid their flaws. I grew up with people who flicked their friends off instead of waving. Stealing shit. Pills. Being stuck In the back room while the adults partied until a fight breaks out and everyone scatters.

  8. After I married her daughter. I told her that I won. That she was dead to me because she did everything in her power to try and brain wash her daughter into thinking I was not good enough for her without even making an attempt to get to know me. She is not welcome in my home ever.

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