How in detail do you share your intimate life with your friends?

  1. I assume you are asking about sexual intimacy? No details. My friends are aware that my partner and I are sexually active, but I don’t discuss any details about our personal sex life with them. I consider that private between me and my sex partner.

  2. Don’t have one, and wouldn’t share a word about it if I had one. If a friend started talking about their sex life with me, I’d make my boundaries clear and let them know I wouldn’t be able to stay in touch with them if they kept sharing intimate/private details like that.

  3. I have a group of girlfriends I share almost everything with. We have a very open dialogue regarding our sex lives, our partners, our kinks, our favourite toys, etc.

  4. it depends which friend. some friends im really open with. others i know aren’t that kind of friend and so isnt appropriate.

  5. We discuss sex stuff whenever the convo leans that way but not details about partners. I think the most specific thing my closest girlfriend said was that the Magic Wand is her favourite toy during anal sex.

  6. When we were younger, we would tell EVERYTHING. Now that I’m nearing 40, I’ll make the occasional joke but I don’t give details. Sometimes my friends and ask each other questions but said questions are almost clinical; nothing over the top. Looking back on my younger days is cringe-inducing and weird.

  7. Depends who it is and what’s going on at the time. I don’t really tell people anything about it anymore… but I also have friends I’ve had sex in front of… so… just depends.

  8. No details at all. What me and my partner do in bed stays between us, that stuff is private. I wouldn’t be comfortable with my partner sharing those details with his friends either

  9. I’m very open with certain people. I don’t mind talking about my experiences, kinks, toys, whatever. I don’t share anything personal about my partner though.

  10. No details. In my friend group we’re all aware sex is happening but none of us need to share the particulars of it.

  11. Not a lot of details, mostly one of us notices the “sex glow”, and it ends with jokes and satisfied sigh

  12. As much as I feel like sharing and feel is relevant. I don’t have a universal policy about it.

  13. Not a lot of info, unless something made me really uncomfortable, then I might ask them for advice.

    I feel like there should be less of a stigma around talking about sex. It helps to know what things are normal, what might make things better, when you should seek help (thinking both about STDs and potentially abusive situations). HOWEVER, it’s not right for me to talk about my partner’s intimate moments. So I don’t want to include any details that he would consider private. It’s a fine line. So I mostly try to stick to generalizations and things that only have to do with me

  14. A lot of details with one raunchy best friend, especially if it’s funny. But nothing that puts my partner down or embarrasses them without their permission.

  15. I shared a lot more when I was younger and curious. To get ideas, see what people were doing, learn about kinks, etc. and my partners at the time didn’t care. Now I’m older, know what I like, and don’t share anything because my partner wouldn’t like that.

  16. Well, I only have one good female friend and we’ve been friends for 10 years since middle school. So I tell her everything/anything. Now, I will say that no we don’t get too descriptive unless it’s relevant to some thing I’m sharing with her but its never about the partners attributes or anything. More like ” have you ever tried x kinky thing? you have to!” or “I was on top so long last night I can barely walk my legs are sore” and anything weird that you’d ask strangers on reddit for advice on. Also I tend to share less in long term relationships than I do in non-exclusive relationships.

  17. Not that much unless I feel like it’s something more about myself that I’d ask if they’ve had a similar experience. Usually more sexual health related

  18. Ihave 2 very close gfs n we share ALOT of details🤣🤣 22 and 9 year friendships🥰

  19. Differs with each friend and with each person I’m being intimate with, they all have different boundaries. But in general I’m incredibly open and most of my friends we talk about *everything*.

    Most of us are kinksters and/or sex workers, so not really a big deal.

  20. It’s kept pretty vague, honestly – there was a time I went into full fledged detail with the girls, and we’d gawk and giggle and “Oh, it was so fun.” But then I had a partner that discovered this one night when some of the girlfriends were over, we were drinking, and well – things were said that riled him up about me sharing these details, and that in sharing them I violated his privacy. I didn’t pause to consider how he would feel about it – I assumed, at the time, he’d take it as an ego boost, but it had actually made him uncomfortable and did some irreparable damage to our relationship. Years later, new partner, my girlfriends don’t know any details and nor do they ask me as they know I’m not willing to damage another relationship over all that ‘T’. I will say, in generalization – ‘All’s well in that department.’

  21. No details. We might say something about it we are “getting any” or not, if we have been frustrated in that department and that’s about it.

  22. in general i like to keep my private life private. a sense of mystery is greatly undervalued nowadays.

  23. When i got to Uni, I used to my friends every little thing. However now I don’t really share much. I’ve learnt that you can’t trust everyone (learnt this after my best friend screwed me over).

  24. I made a very big mistake once. I shared very intimate details with a friend. She ended up telling me weeks later that her and her boyfriend were making jokes about what I told her. So ever since then I refuse to let anyone into my intimate life.

  25. When I met my partner I shared a LOT of details with my best friend. When he kissed me for the first time, I was having dinner with my friends the night after and I literally grabbed my best friend and dragged her to the restroom with some excuse to give her a second-by-second breakdown of the scene, lol. (I was 26 if you’re wondering.) I was so happy I just wanted to talk about him to anyone who’d listen. Nowadays I don’t share these things with my friends unless I have an issue and need a girlfriends’ perspective.

  26. My roommate overshares way too much. She tells me every gory detail. I don’t typically say much personally, and if I do I’d never discuss it with people who also know the person I was intimate with.

  27. I usually don’t get into details TBH. I assume my friends and their partners have sex as I assume they assume me and mine do.
    Some friends asked me about my new boyfriend if it was weird and different since I was widowed before I met him. I didn’t bother to tell them I had a FWB in between before I was ready for an emotional question. All I stated was it was nice to be close to someone again.
    I am laughing reading a lot of these cringe worthy discussions from when we were younger. Lol guilty as sin there. Its amazing how things change in friendship as we age

  28. Only two of my friends have my emotional safety and I can trust with everything and anything. I have five friends I’d trust with my physical life if necessary but I wouldn’t show them my wounds and trauma yet because I don’t know their reaction possibilities yet. I have a boyfriend who’s slowly opening me up with him intimately knowing my brain. And the rest get a facade.

  29. I literally just bought my friend a sex toy for our secret santa exchange.

    We are very open about our sex lives. But nothing embarrassing for my partner. For example, if we just discovered a new position that felt amazing, i would 100% tell them about it.

    This is how i look at it. If i would be upset about him telling his friends, i wouldn’t tell mine.

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