What was that one thing you said that you wish you could take back?

  1. For me it was to my sister who came to borrow money from me for the hundredth time years ago, I said “Just tell me this…are you ever going to get your life in order?” And the look of defeat on her face haunts me. I should have never said something so hurtful. She makes twice my salary these days so I’m incredibly proud of her.

  2. When my parents got divorced and my Mom(and I) moved to another state we had to come back to where I’m originally from to square away a visitation schedule. Well, I had zero fucking clue that I would also be getting asked by someone from the court questions about my Mom and Dad. Honestly, as a child, I probably answered some questions with a tone of anger. I mean, here is some random woman asking me about how my parents care for me and, stuff like who does what better when it comes to parenting. Well, either way. So, after one of the court days…my Mom and I are going to head back to where we were staying, my Dad came up, crouched down, and asked if I’d like to go get some pizza with him that night. I looked him dead in the face and gave him the most stern “No” ever. Again, I was kind of upset I had just been through a barrage of questions, and that I was away from friends I had just made and all that. Now, I’ve never seen my father cry. EVER. When my grandparents passed(his parents) he didn’t even let one tear out. My cousin got killed overseas in Iraq, he just went through all the stuff(the wake, and funeral) like nothing. But, the day I told my Dad no when I got asked about having dinner with him…I saw him break. This man cried. Like, a lot. Looking back at it as an adult, I can definitely see how that would shake a man to his core. But, as I kid…I just wanted out of that situation(being at court and away from my new home). After we got back to the hotel…my Mom was like, “Hey, I know you don’t want to, but you’re going to have dinner with your Dad.” So, I got picked up for dinner, and as much as my Dad was playing the standard father out to dinner with his son role…I couldn’t stop thinking about, “A few hours ago, I saw this man at his most down moment”. So, yeah, I’d definitely take back that no.

  3. “I’m still sorry” to my ex, I don’t feel sorry anymore after what she did to me

  4. When I was quitting nicotine, it completely changed my personality for a few days. It made me really want to hurt people and lowered my impulse control. Managed to completely fuck up several relationships in 3 days as I discovered that I have a talent for saying exactly the most hurtful thing possible to a person. Plenty of regret there.

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