What’s the most honest self-critique you can make about your younger self?

  1. She thought she knew everything. Also did not know how to handle attention from men and did not have the self esteem to say no in situations where she should have or demand a higher standard

  2. She gave too much of a shit about the opinions of people she didn’t even like.

  3. Bad at saying no, and bad at asking for help. Also so far in the closet she developed alcoholism

  4. She made excuses for terrible romantic partners. She knew they were awful, but she kept them around out of stubbornness and the sunk cost fallacy. She shouldn’t have wasted her time with useless people

  5. You’re kind of annoying, it’s ok to sit back and listen sometime. You don’t have to talk constantly.

  6. She was way too scared to say yes and try new things. Don’t be irresponsible, but live a little! Learning to say yes changes your whole life for the better.

  7. She was too frightened of her mother’s judgment, which stopped her from trying things that would have helped her. But her mother was only somewhat to blame. She also developed a problem with alcohol. And she ignored her problems and let them fester. If she hadn’t screwed up so much, life could have gone so much better for her, and she wouldn’t be the mess she is now.

  8. I used to play the victim card a lot when I was a teenager. I still struggle with it sometimes but I’ve learned to walk away from an argument and give myself time to think clearly and rationally. On the rare occasion it still happens I come back with a clear head and analyze the situation with the other person, own you to my faults, apologize, and never do it again.

  9. It’s okay to be honest and speak up. If you don’t want to do something, just tell ‘em. If you don’t understand, it’s okay to ask. Don’t be so scared, it’s okay!

  10. She was *way* too concerned about her appearance and used “health and fitness” to justify unhealthy behaviors.

  11. She thought how she felt was more important than how anyone else was feeling. Felt wronged by a lot of people in her life & took out that anger on people who didn’t do anything to her.

  12. She over thought, was quick to react, cared too much about other peoples opinions, tried to please everyone

  13. I used to be so hateful towards everyone who didn’t agree with everything I said. And my obsession to my toxic friend costed me my entire highschool years where I could have had a bunch of friends.

    I’m glad I calmed down and got myself in check, jesus, I used to be so awful.

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