Seriously? So many suffer from this and it is such a incredibly gnawing feeling. What creative initiatives could help reduce this problem?

There must be a way, I mean in fact if you just got a bunch of lonely people together they wouldn’t be lonely anymore. What are the obstacles that keep this from happening or are there just not such large scale initiatives?

  1. I feel far more lonely when I’m around more than 5 people or so. People often don’t let each other’s voices be heard. I avoid people. And If I could avoid myself, I would. Humans are all flawed. There is no solution, because it’s not a problem. People should be fine just being, and being alone with themselves. Other humans won’t fill that void in your heart left there by God.

  2. Can’t. There will always be people who are excluded or desire to be around fewer people. Although, I suppose one would have to be aware of what it is that they’re actually looking for or wanting from others and figure something out. A lot of lonely people turn to religion because the idea that something or someone still loves and/or accepts them even at their lowest point is comforting and helps them cope with loneliness.

  3. This is exactly why you have to be warm and wonderful to everyone you meet. You have no idea what someone is going through.

    Loneliness is one of the most pervasive things in life and one of the most painful and yet we, as society does very little to overcome it.

    This is why we need more love, awareness, and understanding toward our fellow man as it helps everyone. Kindness to one person helps that person to be kind to others and so on.

    What are the obstacles? Ego, money, power, fame, the competitive nature of mankind. We as a people need a new paradigm shift in how we look at life.

    Glad you raised the topic. Happy Easter.

  4. >I mean in fact if you just got a bunch of lonely people together they wouldn’t be lonely anymore.

    This isn’t necessarily true. You can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely. Ever been to a party?

  5. Its two things, you are literary holding a tool for connecting to others with. Go and find people at Facebook or something and chatt with them a bit. Second thing is to relax in your own company – know deep within you that you are ok no matter what.

  6. I don’t think you could make lonely people less lonely by just putting a bunch of lonely people together.
    I’m lonely all the time, but it’s not like I don’t have anyone around. I just don’t seem to be able to connect to anyone, feel accepted, or loved. It’s not like I’m not able to get myself liked, but I’m not able to fully trust and feel safe around others. I don’t even trust or accept myself. Maybe if people would start loving themselves more, they wouldn’t be so lonely. You should show them that the people that made them feel that way were wrong, that they are ok as they are or that there is still room for improvement. After that, you could also give a common objective to that bunch of people, in an enviroment no one is left behind in or judged for their lack of skills, etc. (as that’s not what usually happens in schools). And that could help in getting them closer. Maybe. Idk. Or maybe not.
    It would be nice if people focused more on solving that. But in the end people are facing everything alone and I don’t think there’s someone that never felt lonely in their life.

  7. You have to learn how to be genuinely busy in your life focusing on your goals and hobbies while interacting with others in the side. The more you are immersed in your own life and enjoy it, the less lonely you will feel. Chase excellence, not people. It also helps to control your phone and social media usage. I write about this here in the form of tips.

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