(M20)After leaving school it feels like there are almost no chances to find any women anymore. Im in decent shape, 6’4, drive a nice enough car, and try to dress nicely everywhere i go. It feels like the only options are bars or online now to find a companion but i don’t drink and am honestly quite a prude when it comes to online dating. I have types sure but I don’t have many set in stone qualities i need accept for that I don’t want to date someone who is physically unattractive, I don’t want to date someone who has had numerous sexual partners within the past year, and i want to find someone who truly likes me for me and not to use me like my ex. Is it even possible to find this sort of stuff anymore? Am i an asshole for having these standards? I don’t get it anymore but maybe i never did in the first place. I know social media is mostly a small minority of women who skew our ideas of what modern women are, but i just see all the same shit so often online that it feels like it’s downright impossible to find a nice traditional and self respecting woman now. Any replies are welcome and appreciated.

1 comment
  1. Sure it’s possible but it’s a lot harder once you out of school . OLD is a hit or miss. It’s ok to have standards, but just know the more requirements you have the more you are limiting dating options.
    What you asking for is not unreasonable

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So tired

Literally so tired of “trying” to date. Are there any monogamous people even out there anymore!?