Those of you who are on anti anxiety/depression medicine- how has it affected your relationship with your SO?

  1. I take 4 pills a day, 2 for bipolar disorder, and one of those has a side affect in women that cause infertility. Husband and 1 are planning on 3 more kids, so I have another prescription from my doc that ensures we will still be able to have babies. I also have a perception for anxiety.

    It isnt fun. Husband has to force me to take them every morning. Medication gives me anxiety so I always fight him on it, and if im in a bad episode with bipolar disorder, its even worse. He always finds a way though, and a few hours after being medicated I feel fine.

  2. Positively. I have more energy for them now and don’t require as much emotional support as I used to (though I still need a lot).

  3. We both are on anxiety medication. But we were also both on anxiety medication before we got together. I personally think it’s for the best at least for me because I was a nightmare without it and constantly anxious over everything. I’m actually able to enjoy my life now that I’m on it.

  4. , if at all I’m on both anti anxiety and depression medicine, and it has definitely had an effect on my relationship with my SO. It’s made me a lot more stable and less prone to outbursts or getting overwhelmed, which has been really good for our relationship.

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