Firstly, I have a i5-8500 with GTX 1070. I have an RTX 3070 Ti desktop on the way AND I bought an Alienware R7 AMD (3070 Ti mobile) that is in the 30-day return window. I already have a gaming monitor.

Secondly, I’ve reached my limits with my preferred game of choice Overwatch. Fast-paced FPS. I feel like it keeps my mental state younger. Anytime I take a break and come back to it, my brain is overwhelmed and it takes a few matches to settle back into the pace. And it makes me wonder if it’s just age.

I’ve maxed out with OW I think. I’m ranked platinum, and I don’t know if I mentally (or socially — I think you have to team up with other ppl at this point) have the edge to get past that. I used to play the Assassin’s Creed series for the visuals. I’m contemplating Flight Simulator (always been an aviation nut).

So my question is… which one to keep – desktop or laptop? What to consider?

Any input or thoughts appreciated. Both desktop or laptop would be the “primary work/play” rig.

  1. Well, I have a desktop hooked into a 52″ TV, but then I spend most of my gaming time with the VR goggles on.

  2. Are you moving around the house or elsewhere playing games? I feel like portability is somewhat lost with a gaming laptop that has dedicated graphics, because the battery life is never good, right? Plus you might feel it necessary to use a cooling pad as well. It’s just too much shit to haul around the house, IMO.


  3. Not a pc user, I’m on console, but there is nothing to beat a good desktop setup over anything else, good chair, footrest and a low latency clean monitor at the correct height.

    As for games, have your tried destiny 2 ? It’s the perfect game for meeting people and for competitive or just fun play. Full of clans big and small, all over the world.

  4. If you’re gaming, even a little, desktop 100%.

    You’ll be amazed at how much more performant the 3070 Ti desktop card is than the 3070 Ti mobile chip.

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