Men of Reddit, what intimidates you about a woman other than physical attributes?

  1. A persistent aura of “I’m better than you and if you dare to think otherwise I will put you in your place”

  2. Pointing a weapon at me. Other than that I can’t imagine ever being “intimidated” by a woman’s personality and I think all the women who genuinely convince themselves that men are “intimidated” by them because they’re ‘independent’, ‘confident’, ‘street smart’, ‘experienced’, etc are hilarious.

    There’s plenty of things a woman can do that make me think she’s off-putting, but being annoyed by someone =/= intimidation.

  3. The only time I’ve felt myself intimidated by a woman… is when she’s pissed & armed.

  4. It used to be if she was really hot and stunning to look at would imitate me. But after being emotional scarred from previous relationships, nothing imitates me but my own regrets.

  5. Why do women always think there is something wrong with men if they aren’t interested. It’s always about the idea that a woman is “too strong or independent” for a man and as such any second thoughts on the man’s part is either insecurity or intimidation.

    As a man who was raised by a single mother I’m not intimidated by you. I’m simply unimpressed by you.

  6. Pointing a gun at my general direction.

    Besides that, I can’t think of a situation a woman could intimidate me.

  7. The fact that they are Human. Which means at any point in time they can decide to make your life a miserable hellscape or be someone you can’t see your life without. Also, the whole false charge thing. Chances are low, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of ruining your reputation if they feel like it.

  8. Nothing. Women can be annoying as fuck, which I’ll avoid because I can’t be bothered to deal with it; but, I’ve never found a woman actually intimidating.

  9. Professionally, if her achievements/experience/position warranted some level of slight intimidation, same logic as for a male with identical relevant attributes.

  10. Womens inability to assume responsibility even at fault. The risk of even debating with a woman in public at all as there is no win situation for a male.

    The damage that can be done based on a woman’s word without proof being required.

  11. I am so tired of that word. Intimidating would mean she makes me fearful. I’m not afraid as much as I am just not interested in certain features and it isn’t always solely based on appearance. Someone can be beautiful and still be very unpleasant, you kind of just have to test the waters so you can pick up on the non visual aspects, at least that’s how I look at it.

  12. There are a very small amount of women who are physically intimidating (semi-pro and above body builders, for example). I’m prob intimidated by firearms regardless of who’s holding them.

    What worries me more is that I might intimidate them without intending to.

    I’m also worried about social manipulation and reputation damage (lying about being assaulted, etc).

  13. I think we’re focusing too much on physical intimidation. I’ve been intimidated by women who were “out of my league” (when I was dating), but some other intimating types I’ve met:
    * Women with extreme self-esteem issues, and either take the role of the victim or put on such a thick act of bravado and attitude to not look like the victim. Because either way, it’s a lot of work building them up enough to see what they’re really like. I’ve done that work for friends, but it makes casual relationships (first dates, business colleagues) kind of a chore, because I want to know their authentic self.
    * Women who use their sexuality as a weapon, trying to lure men in to hurt them, emotionally. (Teasing or humiliating men that approach them) or threaten to pretend to be a victim if they don’t get their way.

  14. People in here being like «Women can’t do anything to scare me» when we’re had months of Depp vs Heard because she just decided on a whim to try and ruin a man’s life and career because she was pissed at him for not putting up with her *literal* shit.

    I guess people don’t reflect much over societal norms, if at all.

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