Who of you would get breast implants after breast cancer surgery and why/why not, disregarding societal pressure, just for yourself?

  1. I think I probably would. It’s easier to navigate the world in a normative body, and I’m used to my body and clothes with breasts. That being said, I’m not familiar with the logistics of it – if it was onerous and uncomfortable to go through the process, I’d like to think I’d be comfortable enough in my own skin to forgo it and just be like “my boobs tried to kill me, so no thank you to new ones!”

  2. depends how old i am. if im over 65 i probably wont. it is quite a lot of maintenance and i dont think i would care enough at that age. But if im still young i would.

  3. I would. I have them now, why not after battling something that tried to kill me?

  4. I would, if I could do any procedure aimed at keeping my body the same as before a traumatic event, I would want to do so.

  5. no, because i already have A cups and feel very comfy with them. i would be way more comfortable with a completely flat chest than any size of boobs anyway. i would get those nipple tattoos though cos having no nipples looks kinda wack to me.

  6. Not sure honestly. Sometimes I like them, sometimes I hate them. On my period, I hate them because they ache. They also feel so heavy sometimes and it would be nice to not have that heaviness weighing me down. But, I also like the way they look in some outfits. Idk lol. I want a test run without them for a bit, then I’d decide.

  7. I would get breast augmentation if I really felt like it would improve my self confidence. I think it can be done reasonably and if it helps you feel better about yourself then go for it (if you’re healthy enough for it and can afford it).

  8. I don’t think I would. It’s a process that I don’t think I’d be up for after cancer treatment.

  9. Absolutely. My family has a ton of breast cancer in it. I fully plan to have mine removed and implants put it. Unfortunately it makes me feel more feminine.

  10. I would get implants the same size my natural ones were. However, it would entirely depend on my age, as I hear getting implants at a specific age is not so healthy.

  11. I wouldn’t. I hate bras so the chance at being able to be bra free would be amazing.

  12. I think I would. I like my boobs and the way my silhouette looks with them and I want to keep that.

  13. Definitely not. Cancer would be bad enough, I don’t want to invite more problems with more surgeries. Prosthetic boobs would be more versatile if I wanted big boobs for a day anyway.

  14. I totally would because my clothing wouldn’t fit right and it would be really unflattering with my body type.

  15. I would. I really like boobs and love having my own the best. Every time they bounce when I go down stairs or I look down and see them all breasting boobily and titting it makes me so happy.

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