Which “guy codes” do you subscribe to?

  1. Always one urinal in between.

    Don’t mess with another person’s property, money, work, sex, or relationships.

  2. I will tell my boys if I catch their girl cheating but I will never snitch on another guy. I’ll never tell my girlfriend if one if my boys is cheating either. Its a piece of info to never share because women will let it slip.

    I will never get into an altercation or put a man in his place in front of his kids. Got to let a man keep face in front of his family

  3. Don’t fuck your best friends wife.

    Always leave space in the bathroom.

    Never leave a man behind if he is alone.

    Don’t leave rubbish in your friends car.

    Always tell women your friend has a tiny dick.

    Compliment behind his back and diss to his face.

  4. I take an active interest in how my male friends are, like how they really are not just dude banter. This should be guy code but I don’t think it’s embedded yet.

  5. None. Tribalism is dumb to me. I follow my own moral code which is basically “don’t do harm”.

  6. I won’t date any of my close friends ex’s and I will only date a sister if it’s very serious. Getting your dick wet is not worth losing a friend.

  7. Surprised no one’s said this: “call them out when they do wrong, keep ‘em honest “. I agree with most of the others too, but that’s my number 1

  8. When I say let’s go get some beer or food I didn’t ask if you had money. No chance a friend will go hungry and miss out on an adventure because he doesn’t have money

  9. Bros before hoes

    Alwys keep your shirt tucked in

    Go down with the ship

    Never abandon a member of your crew.

  10. OP here. Here is mine. If you are at a bar or party and see an attractive female amongst a mixed group of people you don’t know, you don’t go in cold and head straight towards the woman. You either introduce yourself to the whole group or greet a male in that group first.

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