What made you regret leaving a woman you DIDN’T love? What did she do/what changes happened that made you feel like you shouldn’t have left her.

I’m expecting a lot of “no regrets” answers but I’ll give it a try anyway! Thanks in advance

  1. I only regret the amount of women I’ve been with. Wish I had been pickier when I was younger, but I was so insecure.

  2. I don’t like hurting people. Even if walking away hurts them, it pains me to inflict any emotional pain on anyone.

  3. It’s not that I didn’t love her- I still do, but I got bored in my longest term relationship and we broke up. She was absolutely wonderful and I could see it was hurting her that I didn’t care as much anymore. The last time I saw her, we met in the middle (LDR) and when I had to leave, she was holding onto my sleeve and crying. And man, it does something to me typing this. She Loved me so much and I just didn’t care as much because I was 26 and wanted to go plough every mildly attractive woman with a pulse.

    I’m glad we broke up because she deserves a guy that cherishes her every day.

  4. I NEVER regret leaving. However, i am not afraid to admit where I messed up or did something wrong. Thats the only way i can learn, grow and move on to be better next time.

  5. My only regret was the manner in which I broke up with her. I know all break ups are hard, however she deserved a better ending and an explanation.

  6. There was one woman whom I don’t think I was in love with but was very comfortable around. I ended up leaving her for a married woman – the affair was going for 2, nearly 3 years before it ended. That being said, I regretted leaving this woman for the affair as the affair as all are eventually wont to do – ended and I did not get the woman I had poured my efforts into for the 2 – 3 years.

    The reason I regretted leaving the woman I was comfortable with but not sure how in love with I was is simple. I hurt her she was in love and she was very hurt by the process of our break up. We’d been together a little over 2 years when it happened. Both she and her parents who saw us regularly thought we would end up getting married so when I broke it off she was willing to fight for us.

    To end the relationship I actually had to tell her I wasn’t in love with her and don’t think I had ever been in love with her. It was brutal.

    I’ve never quite forgiven myself for that. But it is what it is. I made my peace with her a couple of years back and explained it all. She still hates me, but I was able to explain that she had done nothing wrong and that I had loved her but that I was simply so caught up by the woman I had the affair with I knew I would cheat and didn’t want to hurt her more by being a cheat.

  7. When I got sober and realized that I threw away an amazing woman who only wanted to help me. Biggest regret to this day

  8. I have yet to experience that kind of regret. I might miss the good times but that’s not enough to cause me to regret my decision because it requires quite a lot of things going wrong for me to leave.

  9. Regret comes when you realize what you had was special and unique and it’s gone.

    When you realize your partner had traits that most women simply don’t possess. Getting back out there and realizing how mid most women are is such a reality check.

    When my ex left the door open to come back, I always hesitated cuz I didn’t know if we could fix our issues. Then when she moved on, I finally realized that our issues were solvable and I finally possessed the skills I needed. But it’s too late.

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