Title says some of it. I met a wonderful woman, and we have been dating for 2.6 years, we are 3 years in March. We are really fond of each other and deeply love each other. We haven’t had any sex yet, and she wants to wait til marriage which I am okay with. So we are purely attracted to each other physically and mentally. We have never argued or fought and have had a smooth relationship. She is very family oriented and has a lot of morals and values that line up with mine.

I want to introduce this girl to my parents before I ask her to marry me. In my culture (Punjabi, Sikh) (she is catholic) we usually do arranged marriage to my knowledge, I am very white washed and do not know how to go about this. My mother babies me and just thinks I am going out with friends when I have been going out on dates with this girl. I haven’t met her parents either and she is going to introduce me to them soon.

Problem is I do not know what my parents are expecting. They haven’t mentioned anything about getting married; I am still in college but I do have a very well paying job (Tech Support Specalist) and am on the road to a promotion. I do not want an arranged marriage what so ever.

I am looking for advice on how to break the news to my indian parents that I fell in love with a girl. I would like to introduce her to my parents before I pop the question. I just do not know how to approach this. I am planning to tell them about her on Christmas, and want to introduce her to them soon after.

I need major advice on how to go about this. Is there anybody in a similar pickle like me that got through this? And advice in how to talk about this to my parents?

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