I’ve been dating a man for 1+ years, it’s been great…we have a blast together, I trust him, and like the same things… We’re both out of long term relationships and so there seems no real pressure or destination (neither want marriage or kids). However, I’m unsure we want the same things in a relationship. I like monogamy, he wants his freedom (although says he’s not dating another person nor intimate). How do you know if someone just likes you “enough” to keep you around vs. actually wanting to be your partner. Every time I try and end things with him, he’s is upset and says that is not what he wants…yet, it doesn’t seem like he “wants” to fully commit to me either. I do love him, I just also feel like I’m making my life work around him… Just kind of at a lost currently and could use some insight. He’s a virgo too for what that might be worth.

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