hi we are in a relationship since 5 years and live together since 2 years. I‘m for my age and height underweighted, my ribs are slightly showing, because of my fast metabolism it’s not easy for me to gain weight, my bf says i have a sexy body, and i know that but i still want it to be healthy. At least my ribs should be covered. So today at dinner i’ve told him that i want to gain weight, and he got mad saying my body is perfect, and that girls would kill to look like that. (literally manipulates me) i said im still going to do it cuz i’m not feeling well about it. and then he got more serious, saying things like: ‚if you make one little change on your appearance i swear to god you will get to know me‘ i asked him if he is threatening me fr just because i want to gain a little bit of weight. and he stood up and said:“shut up no you can decide, disrespect me and i’ll disrespect you don’t be such a drama bitch“and he took my plate and threw it into the bin. it was half full i was so in shock and surprised since my boyfriend is actually a very lovely and caring partner, he always supported me and never questioned any decision i made. But today he was a bunch of sh**, i went to the bathroom and cried a lot. He then knocked on the door saying:“the fucking drama bitch you are“ and laughed. i was so scared i said nothing
here it’s 12pm and he already fell asleep, and i’m restless, he never insulted me or made fun of me crying, idk where he catched this attitude or it’s him showing his true side after 5 years which seems a little bit too long for me. I‘m pretty hurt and worried..need help

  1. >my boyfriend is actually a very lovely and caring partner, he always supported me and never questioned any decision

    As long as it didn’t affect his view

    Different circumstances different behavior

  2. He showed you his true self. I’m so sorry but you have to leave him this is so not ok! Please. Even if he tried to apologise he will do it again. Who acts like this towards someone they love? Would you ever even come close to treating him like that? Then you know what to do. Cut your losses and go. You’re still really young, yes you wasted 5 years on him but don’t make it 6, 7 or 8.

  3. This relationship is not salvageable. When he goes out for work call your local police department’s office number (not 911) tell them your boyfriend has behaved aggressively and need help leaving with your things and you will have protection if he comes back unexpectedly. If you have family or close friends stay with them. If you have no other options consider going to a women’s shelter they are there specifically for your situation. if you’re unemployed start looking for a job so you can support yourself. Best of luck and send updates if you can. You deserve so much more!

  4. >he took my plate and threw it into the bin. it was half full i was so in shock and surprised since my boyfriend is actually a very lovely and caring partner,

    BULLSHIT. This is just bullshit. There is not a single lovely or caring thing about your partner.

    >then he got more serious, saying things like: ‚if you make one little change on your appearance i swear to god you will get to know me‘ i asked him if he is threatening me fr just because i want to gain a little bit of weight. and he stood up and said:“shut up no you can decide, disrespect me and i’ll disrespect you don’t be such a drama bitch

    You will get to know him?? Because you haven’t known him until now? Again, this is bullshit. He has shown you who he is. Believe him. Stop making excuses for his abuse.

    Yeesh. If it were me, I would have kicked him out the moment he threw my dish in the trash. SUCH a dick. Tell him you know a way to assure that you can get of all dead weight in your life.

  5. Get away from him, that’s classic manipulation, controlling behavior. He literally threatened you. Get away from him.

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