If someone would pay for you and 1 loved one to go on a FULLY paid vacation where would you go? and with who?

  1. Ireland with my momma.

    If she said no (she hates leaving her pets haha) I’d take my brother somewhere tropical, instead!

  2. I guess Norway with my dad. It’s a boring AF answer because it’s a neighbouring country that I’ve even lived in before, but I’m scared of flying so my dad’s dream destinations of Brazil and New York would be out of the question. And Norway is still pretty and both my dad and I enjoy it there, so it would be the least bad realistic choice lol

  3. After all these years my husband and I would take a honeymoon. We’ve always wanted to see Italy.

  4. Berlin, Germany. I’d take my son to see where I grew up and to finally meet the German side of our family in person.

  5. Norway with my husband. It’s my dream to see the country of my ancestors. My husband is my best friend and he’s really fun to travel with 😊

  6. UK for a couple weeks with my SO. Last time I was there, it was only a couple of days, and I only got to see London. I’d love to see a bit more of London and then branch out to the other areas

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