TLDR; The book is really useful for engaging in corporate culture, salesmanship, marketing, and other highly recommended areas. However, life is full of stumbling blocks; our real issues are limited, and we cannot apply generic counsel to a unique case. We require tailored advice for that or professional counsel for that.


Now coming to the main part,
I purchased that book during my undergraduate studies; it was my first self-help book. I found Carnegie’s explanations to be fascinating as I read the first chapter. He ends each chapter with awesome one-liners: “don’t criticize, condemn, or complain.”

The second chapter addressed saying “thank you” to people, and the other chapters covered listening, the value of a smile, keeping in mind to show interest in other people, and other topics.

I continued in doing this among others in the hope that they would like my company and because I believed I could be the idealistic personality when it came to conversations, ethics and what not. But as they say, real life is unpleasant.

When it came to me, I discovered that there were very only few listeners and others who didn’t care about me at all. I continued to act and kept listening to people, I was constantly happy on the outside, but on the inside, I was in pain. I continued my silence while listening. I was listening to them and trying to cheer them up, kept them saying thank you, smiling, showing genuine interest etc etc.


It was too late for me to realize that others had made my life unpleasant, by trivializing my feelings and hurting me as a result of me being especially nice to them. While writing this, I keep thinking of the book’s advice to “not criticise, whine, or moan.” That annoys me, so screw it.


To feel human again, I really want to complain, criticize, speak a lot, find listeners, vent my feelings, become furious, and conquer morons. But I guess I am a little too kind. I ought to quit acting that way; it consumes me completely.


To summarize,

* Applying the concepts in the book to corporate culture, company growth, salesmanship, married relationships, marketing, and other areas is highly recommended. However, life is full of stumbling blocks; our real issues are limited, and we cannot apply generic counsel to a unique case. We require tailored advice for that or professional counsel for that.

* The problem emerges when you generalize the advice in the book; this world is full of fools, fraudsters, abusers, name-calling scumbags, tyrants, bullies and so on. We can’t apply those nice ideas to everyone. We must stand firm against such morons.

  1. >How to win friends and influence people

    Is for warmth

    ***48 Laws of power*** is for strenght.

    Have both so you Can handle every situation 😉

  2. I read this book as a kid and it didn’t win me a single friend! It IS a good book, and as you noted it’s pretty good advice for the business world. Where it falls short is it doesn’t really tell you how to “make friends” or more importantly how to CONNECT with people so they’ll WANT to be your friend!

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