What’s the best way to find out, should I just ask her out straight on her face? We’ve been okayish friends from the last 2 months, but she said she can only date guys from her religion (we were talking relationship and stuff). We do hangout a lot with each other when we’re out with other friends, but it was never only us. At one occasion even one of the girls asked (based on how we were behaving) like if we are a couple or something, but she said we’re just friends. I never initiated touching but recently she’s doing it more often. In a party last week, I even carried her home (we were both drunk), so I guess she kinda trusts me too. She been telling me things, which I guess no one else knows, at least in our shared circle. But I’m not sure if she’s just being a friendly or she’s a bit into me. What’s the best approach here?

TL;DR: Don’t know if she’s into me, I think she kinda is, but not sure, wanna know how to proceed?

  1. Tell her how you’re feeling and ask if she’s feeling the same kind of thing. Just be direct and communicate. If you’re not in the same religion as her tho, that may be a deal breaker right away and there’s no need to take that personally.

  2. Just ask her out. It’s better to know where you stand than to keep wondering. If she says no, it sucks but at least you know and can move on. And if she says yes, then great! Just make sure to be clear about your intentions and be respectful of her boundaries. Good luck, man.

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