So I have been dating my girlfriend for a little over 3 months now, and just to preface this story I want to give a little bit of context. My GF is known to crave attention and seek pity from people, she also LOVES victimizing herself and she also constantly white lies (not huge lies, just small lies, fabrications, or over exaggerations) 85% of the time. So a few months ago, I remember her telling me that she SH herself about 2 weeks into our relationship, I was kinda confused at this point and because I had already picked up on a few things she told me that didn’t really add up so I didn’t know if she was trying to sympathy farm or if it was true. Anyways, I basically comforted her and we moved on. About 2 days later when we hung out again, I decided to check her arms indirectly to see if there were any cuts. Basically every parts of her arm was completely clear, not one mark. I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t sure if she was lying, or if she classifies maybe pinching, or slapping herself SH. Fast forward until a few days ago. While we were talking she brought how much she had something to say but she didn’t want to tell me, so told her she doesn’t have to tell me if she doesn’t want to, which caused her to tell me. She said she SH again, and she want telling me for sympathy but rather to lmk so it’s not akwars when we hang out next and she won’t need to cover herself. The next day when we hang out, I inspect her arms again without her knowing and see absolutely nothing. About 1 hour into us hanging together, she says, “be careful with my hands I have cuts on them” and she shows me like 2 barley visible extremely small cuts on her finger that looked more like marks. So now idk if these are the SH marks she told me about or if it was a lie, or if she makes small cuts for attention, or idk. I just don’t know what to think.

1 comment
  1. In my limited experience with girls who SH, it’s a source of great shame for them, and they almost never talk about it. They also never SH on any bare skin that can be shown in public. The usual places I find SH cuts are in the inner thigh, or just below the hip bone. I’m not a therapist and I don’t try and second guess someone’s mental health. And you shouldn’t either. If you’re concerned for her safety, you should talk to her mother.

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