My gut is telling me something is off. And I’ve always been someone who trusts her. Never in our marriage have I gone through her computer, her phone, or whatever. However, back in August she expressed that she was struggling in the marriage. Then in October she wanted a divorce. We worked on the marriage a bit, however, she was so enmeshed with her family that she spent more time with her mother and her sister, even to the point of often sleeping with them over me.

Earlier this month, I felt like she was hiding something from me. It was just nagging feeling no matter how hard I tried. I checked her email and found the divorce papers, dated back to November. This was after we had danced in the kitchen, had passionate sex, and done fun things together. I felt so betrayed and she was mad that I had checked her email.


But I keep getting this nagging feeling that she is looking at other guys or whatever. Friends and counselors tell me to fight for the marriage, but I just don’t know what to do.

  1. What evidence do you have to suspect someone else being in the picture? It sounds like a paranoid assumption from what you laid out, preparing yourself for the worst case scenario.

  2. It’s hard to say. Trust your gut in that something is certainly off. Keep investigating.

    Also: get a divorce lawyer. Explain your situation. Do what the lawyer tells you to do.

  3. So far you’ve listed nothing that could be construed as actual evidence. Granted a lot of it would probably be subjective, due to the nature of things, but if this is all you have it seems like she has been considering divorce.

    That doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anyone else in the picture. Does she have any new friends? Any suspicious activity?

  4. Give her what she’s asked for. If she still loved you and the family, she’d have asked for counselling first, not an outright divorce.

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